29-year-old Elizabeth Hernandez was last seen in Albuquerque, New Mexico on November 15, 2017. She disappeared after being dropped off at the the Department of Human Services by her boyfriend.


Elizabeth Ann Hernandez was born on January 2, 1988. She is the mother of two children.

At the time of her disappearance, Hernandez was four months pregnant with a due date of April 2018. She was in a romantic relationship with Miguel Martinez, the father of her unborn child.

She had previously attended beauty school and was working at a salon at the time of her disappearance. She would also babysit her sister’s two children to earn extra money.


On November 15, 2017, Elizabeth Hernandez spent most of the day at her sister’s house in Albuquerque, New Mexico, before being picked up by her boyfriend in the evening. 

On November 16, 2017, Hernandez was last seen in Albuquerque, New Mexico when her boyfriend dropped her off in front of the Department of Human Services, located at 3280 Bridge Boulevard Southwest .

Hernandez was supposed to go to an appointment for food stamps that morning before heading to her sister’s house to babysit that afternoon while her sister went to work.

Elizabeth never signed in at the Department of Human Services that morning and hasn’t been heard from since. 


Elizabeth left most of her belongings at home, including her clothes and Electronic Benefits Transfer card. There’s been no activity on her social media since she went missing.

Elizabeth’s boyfriend told authorities that he dropped her off in front of the Human Services Building that morning, but she never called him to pick her up. He says he went back to look for her, but she wasn’t there.

Authorities traced his cellphone and it corroborated his statement. He is a person of interest in her case, but has not been named a suspect.

Her family says it’s uncharacteristic of her to leave without warning, and they do not believe she would abandon her children.


Foul play is suspected in Elizabeth Hernandez’s disappearance, but authorities found no evidence of a crime.

The circumstances of Elizabeth Hernandez’s disappearance remain unclear and her case is currently classified as missing. Her case remains unsolved.


Physical Description:
White female born on January 2, 1988. Elizabeth has brown hair, green eyes, stands 5’7 tall and weighs 130 – 150 pounds

Distinctive Physical Features:
Elizabeth has a tattoo of stars on her right leg

Clothing and accessories:
Elizabeth was last seen wearing a burgundy top, possibly a dark-colored jacket, and black yoga pants with gold buttons

Investigating Agency

If you have any information regarding the disappearance of Elizabeth Hernandez please contact the Albuquerque Police Department at (505) 924-6095.

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