The former G-League player and girlfriend ar*rested in connection with the disappearance of a 23-year-old Washington medical assistant in Las Vegas have been ch*arged with kid*napping and m*urder, according to police.
Chance Comanche, 27, was released from the Stockton Kings, a developmental affiliate of the Sacramento Kings, shortly after his a*rrest.
He played a G-League game in Henderson, Nevada, 15 miles from Las Vegas, the night before Marayna Rodgers was last seen and reported m*issing.
Rodgers va*nished on Dec. 6, when she was on a trip to visit Las Vegas and got into a car with her friend, Sakari Harnden, 19.
Based on the information obtained after Comanche and Harnden’s arrest detectives were able to recover human r*emains, later identified as Rodgers, in a desert area in Henderson, Nevada, police said in a press release.

According to police, it was determined that Harnden and Commanche were responsible for Rodgers’ de*ath and both will be char*ged with open m*urder.
Harnden, the girlfriend of Comanche, was arrested in Las Vegas on Dec. 13 and booked into the downtown Las Vegas Jail, also on a first-degree kid*napping charge, citing court records.
A crim*inal complaint accused Harnden of “detaining Rogers against her will and without her consent for the purpose of k*illing her and/or inflicting bodily harm,”.
Harnden was also arrested on a theft charge for all*egedly stealing a Rolex.
Comanche was in Portland, Oregon for the Kings’ game against the Rip City Remix on Dec. 7, less than 24 hours removed from Rodgers’ van*ishing.
It is not known how long Comanche was in Las Vegas.
He was arr*ested in California by California FBI Crim*inal Apprehension team and is pending extradition to Nevada for kidnapping, according to a statement by police on Sunday.

Comanche is being held in the Sacramento County Main J*ail without bail, according to records.
Comanche, a 6-foot-10 center, is due in court Tuesday.
He played college basketball at Arizona and played in one NBA game, with the Portland Trail Blazers on April 9.