James Kraig Kahler introduced a lesbian woman into his marriage to spice things up as he wanted to engage in a threesome. Unfortunately, his wife Karen, fell in love with the new partner and the pair started seeing each other.
The events that unfolded led to the de*ath of Karen, her grandmother, and her two daughters.
The Beginning
James Kraig Kahler was born in Meriden, Kansas, on January 15, 1963. He got married to his wife, Karen, in 1986, they had dated for two years before they exchanged marital vows. The marriage was blessed with three children: Emily Kahler, born in 1991, Lauren Kahler, born in 1993, and Sean Kahler, born in 1999.
In 1997, the family relocated to Weatherford, Texas, after James got a job as the city’s Utility director.

For eleven years, the family lived happily in Texas before they moved to Missouri in 2008. This move was after James got a new job as the director of the water department in the city of Columbia in Missouri. Sadly, this move coincided with the crumbling of their marriage. That same year, James introduced a stranger in their marriage, a woman he had met at a gym in Weatherford. That woman was Sunny Reese.
James introduced Reese to his wife Karen because he wanted to be having a threesome. He had gotten ‘tired’ of sleeping with his wife. He wanted an external partner to spice things up, this was what he believed. But his delusions never manifested.
Things spiraled out of control as Karen and Reese soon became lovers. At a New Year’s Eve party where Reese was also invited, James was embarrassed after Karen shoved him aside as he was about to hug her, but she was playing with Reese at the party. Following the incident, Karen and James were advised to meet a marriage councilor, but Karen already had another plan. In mid-January 2009 she filed for divorce and by March she packed out of the family house with their children.
To make things worse for James, he lost his job at the water department in August 2009. His family problems crept into his job. He started underperforming, with his attention given to solving his problems. This was why he was fired from his job.
Following his job loss, James moved back to his hometown, Meriden, Kansas. James had thought the affair would stop after Karen moved out of Missouri, but it didn’t.
Sean was staying with his father on November 28, in Meriden, while Karen and the girls were in Derby, in Karen’s sister’s house. The family always spent the weekend after Thanksgiving in the house of Karen’s grandmother, Dorothy Wight. That morning, James called Karen requesting more time with Sean, but the request was not granted. Later that day, Karen’s mother came to the ranch and picked Sean while James was away
At around 6 pm, he made his way to Dorothy’s house in Burlingame, Kansas, where his wife and children were staying. Armed with a .223 caliber semi-automatic ri*fle, he sh*ot his wife, his two daughters, and Dorothy d*ead. He allowed Sean to escape. He was angry with his daughters for supporting their mother.
Sean escaped through the back door to a neighbor’s house who called 911.
James eluded the police but was captured the following morning. He was tried and sentenced to d*eath in 2011. Sean and Reese testified during the trial process. Reese said James had consented to their lesbian relationship but later became jealous and abusive.