The su*icide of Katelyn Nicole Davis is truly a dep*ressing and p*athetic story. The tr*agic end of the 12-year-old girl, who apparently could not find meaning in life, is still considered one of the most te*rrible d*eaths of our time.
Iss*ues related to sui*cide and social media have attracted so much attention around the world lately, with Katelyn’s su*icide being considered one of the most insane but very touching d*eaths captured on camera.
As many have pointed out, the de*ath of Katelyn Nicole Davis has really drawn the necessary attention to sui*cide prevention, online bu*llying, child ab*use, poverty, offline b*ullying, and child neglect.
There is so much to know and learn from the sui*cide story of a beautiful American teenager. Just read on to find her and other lesser-known facts.
Brief Bio of Katelyn Nicole Davis
Until her t*ragic de*ath on 30 December 2016, Katelyn Nicole Davis was a 12-year-old girl born on 20 February 2004 in Rome, Georgia, in the United States of America. Tammy Michelle Rogers and Matthew Reed Davis are her parents. She is an American of American nationality and of Caucasian ethnicity.

She grew up without her father present. According to the teenager, her father refused to pay child support but would spend hours playing video games. Her mother is married to Anthony Lee Rogers, with whom she has two young stepbrothers, Abigail Lee Rogers and A.J. Lee Rogers, as she stated in one of her videos.
Katelyn Nicole Davis attended Cedartown Middle School but did not continue her education because her mother could not afford to support her. Her only chance of attending college came after she joined the National Leaders Association for Young Leaders, which promised to pay for her education, but her stepfather allegedly told her she was “too stupid to get involved in something like this” and eventually burned the papers in her face.
The Su*icide of Katelyn Nicole Davis
The incident occurred on December 30, 2016, in the evening hours, when the twelve-year-old filmed herself walking from her room to the courtyard of her family’s home.
The entire video, which is 42 minutes long, shows the teenage girl preparing a noose, hanging it from a tree, and then taking her own life by briefly strangling herself. The su*icide was streamed live on, a popular app for teenagers, and posted under her user name “ITZ Dolly”.
Davis, clearly demoralized by fear and stress, could be heard in the video crying and pleading for forgiveness for the act she was about to commit. She then admitted to being physically and sexually abused by a family member named Anthony Lee Rogers Sr.
Her lifeless body was captured by the camera for about 20 minutes after she hanged herself. The live stream was abruptly cut off by repeated phone calls, and by the time the neighbors realized what had happened, it was too late to save her life. She was later taken to Polk Medical Center, but she died after only a short time.

Katelyn’s last video was not the first disturbing video to appear on her timeline. Previously, in the last month of her young life, she had broadcast live dozens of dis*turbing videos, so many of which captured her other su*icide attempts.
Her last sui*cide attempt before her actual dea*th was due to a drug overdose, but she was resuscitated in the hospital. Just days before her de*ath, she was caught on camera cutting her thigh, lap, and wrist – she screamed out loud because she was depressed and tired of life.