Eva DeBruhl was a 15-year-old girl living in Catawba, South Carolina, with her parents and two older sisters, Tami and Elaine. In 1973, her 11-year-old brother was killed by a drunk driver in front of the family’s home.

Eva, who was very religious, belonged to the Providence Baptist Church and sang in the choir. She was a responsible teenager who earned money babysitting.

On June 29, 1977, Eva was doing one of her favorite chores: mowing the lawn. She went inside the house to make some iced tea and told her father, Willard, he had been called into work. He left just after 11 AM. Meanwhile, Eva’s mother, Opal, was still sleeping — she had worked the night shift at the local mill.

When Opal woke up at noon, she couldn’t find Eva.

There was a pot of iced tea and a glass on the counter and the TV was on. Eva’s flip flops were on the front lawn and her eyeglasses were missing.

Eva’s grandmother lived in another house on the family’s 9-acre land. That morning she had seen an unknown man on their front porch.

The man, driving a Jeep-type vehicle, seemed to be talking to someone through the front door’s screen. Because Willard was a mechanic, Eva’s grandmother assumed it was a customer.

He drove away but returned fifteen minutes later. She did not notice if the man stopped this time, however, she did not hear any noise or see Eva get into the car.

This mystery man has never been identified.

Authorities believe whoever took Eva knew the family’s schedule and was familiar with the surrounding area.

Where the mystery man had parked his car, Willard found a bottle of Coke that had been made in Georgia. Because there was a Coca-Cola bottling plant nearby, which supplied to South Carolina, it is likely the driver was from Georgia. Unfortunately, the bottle was not checked for fingerprints.

Hundreds of volunteers gathered to search for the missing girl. At one point, police dug into the well on the family’s back yard but nothing was found.

Serial killer Henry Lee Lucas confessed to kil*ling Eva. Nonetheless, he has been ruled out by authorities as he confessed to kil*ling over 600 people — most of whom he did not actually mur*der. He di*ed in prison in 2001.

Eva’s family is certain she was kidnapped. Willard and Opal sold their home shortly after Eva went missing in order to afford a private detective. Willard quit his job and spent the next two decades searching for his daughter.

He died in 1997 but Eva’s mother and sisters have not stopped searching. However, because Eva has never contacted them, they do not believe she is still alive. Nevertheless, they would like to find her remains and give her a proper burial.

Eva DeBruhl, who would now be 62-years-old, has never been heard from again.

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