Tia Rigg was born to a violent, d*rug-addicted mother who often used d*rugs in front of her and left her home alone and with strangers. Workers at Child Services had been involved with Tia’s mother during her pregnancy, although did not heed the warning signs.

Her mother’s behavior never improved. She attempted suicide multiple times, allowed ab*usive men in the home, and generally could not care for the growing girl the way a child needs and deserves. Child Service workers were involved with the family on numerous occasions.

Tia fared well while living with family members for several years until a fallout between the caregiver and her mother. Tia then returned to her mother’s care in 2009, right back into a life of tumultuous chaos, dr*ug abu*se, and violence.

Tia’s uncle, John Madden, eased some of the turbulence in her life. Both shared a love for sports, namely football and spent a lot of time together. Both were huge Manchester United fans. Tia, nor anyone else for that matter, realized John was not the kind-hearted, loving man he presented himself to be. He, instead, had an obsession with violent child pornography and wanted to make his fantasies a reality.

On April 3, 2010, John asked Tia if she would babysit his 9-year-old daughter. She agreed, arriving at Madden’s home around 3 p.m. The two chatted about the loss Manchester United had just suffered against Chelsea F.C. earlier in the day. She hoped to catch some of the highlights of the game on television while babysitting.

After the brief conversation, John dru*gged Tia with an antipsychotic d*rug used to treat schizophrenia. He didn’t give Tia enough to render her unconscious; only enough to immobilize her. Tia was awake and aware of what was going on when John suddenly attacked her.

John dragged Tia upstairs in her immobile state. He stripped her naked and tied her hands behind her back. He then used a broomstick and se*x toys to torture and se*xually as*sault her. After the as*sault, John repeatedly stabbed Tia in the abdomen and strangled her to death with a guitar wire.

At 3:45 p.m. John called 999, calmly reporting the mur*der. He readily admitted that he had k*illed Tia. When asked why, he stated, “Because I felt like it.”

Officers found Tia’s body face-down lying on the bedroom floor. She was naked except for a pair of socks. A broomstick, a se*x toy, and two knives lay beside her body. The items were covered in Tia’s blood.

Her autopsy later revealed she suffered extensive internal injuries, some inflicted before she died. Her cause of death was strangulation.

Police took Maden into custody and searched the home for additional evidence. They located a collection of brutal snuff, rape, and child porn photos and videos on his phone and laptop. Maden had begun his collection about a year before raping and ki*lling Tia.

Maden confessed to his crimes and pleaded guilty in court. He was sentenced to life in prison with the recommendation that he never be released,

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